Plum Practicewear Empowers Gymnasts With #PlumPositivity

UNION, N.J. (February 27, 2017) - Last week, Plum Practicewear ( an online retailer of gymnastics apparel, announced their new engagement campaign, “Empower Positivity,” which is driven by the hashtag #PlumPositivity.

“The intent of the ‘Empower Positivity’ campaign is to grow our industry as a whole and promote the overwhelmingly positive nature of gymnastics in the United States,” stated Plum Practicewear Partner and Director of Marketing Debra Rizzi. Regrettably, that fundamental message failed to come through and a very important part of our Plum Family, our models, felt the impact of that failure. We are deeply and sincerely remorseful about that. Corrections are common in gymnastics and in life, and this includes Plum. This campaign is about empowering gymnasts to share the positive aspects of their lives, inside and outside of the gym, and aid in growing an industry that we love.”

For consumers introduced to Plum Practicewear for the first time, the brand appears to be a straightforward gymnastics apparel company. “So why would Plum launch a positivity campaign? Giving back is part of the DNA of Plum’s brand. Any child, parent, or coach that affords us an opportunity is embraced as family, treated like family ... the Plum Family,” stated Rizzi. “Plum has ongoing, give-back initiatives including Plum Cares, which provides significant donations for those in need, and Plumraisers, which provide funding to local gymnastics programs across the country. Similar to those campaigns, #PlumPositivity will be another give-back campaign focusing on the gymnastics industry as a whole.”

Since Plum Practicewear’s motto is #PracticePerfect, the brand is practicing “what it preaches” and improving on its own performance to empower positivity.

So, what does #PlumPositivity mean?

Rizzi explained, “Gymnastics delivers so many positive features including respect, discipline, physical and mental strength, dedication, and teamwork. The #PlumPositivity campaign celebrates gymnasts as individuals and simultaneously seeks to showcase the benefits of gymnastics as a whole. Plum’s goal is, and will always be, to inspire the next generation of gymnasts.”

One key component of the campaign is to encourage gymnasts to video and share their positive experiences, upload them to social media, and tag them with #PlumPositivity.

“It doesn’t matter what level, team, or organization a gymnast competes for - they are all part of an international family that share a love for gymnastics. Each gymnast is an ambassador for the sport and their stories are inspirational. The videos will provide an opportunity for gymnasts to lead by example, showcase their accomplishments, and allow their voices to inspire others,” adds Rizzi.

To kick off the campaign, Plum will be posting “I love gymnastics” artwork on its social media outlets that is unbranded and is asking anyone who supports the sport to “like,” repost, and share with their online community. Rizzi stated, “Of course the heart within the artwork is purple, which is Plum’s signature color. More importantly, though, it is the color of individuality, compassion, and dignity. These values are the pillars of the #PlumPositivity campaign.”